You Need to Colaunch Your Cosell Offers With Microsoft – But HOW?


We’ve developed a colaunch marketing system to help you quickly develop a reliable approach to gaining customer attention. Our Microsoft experts take the time to understand the intricacies and uniqueness of your offering and enable the support you need to scale your business in the Microsoft Marketplace. Join forces with Microsoft veterans Chaitra Vedullapalli and Karen Fassio, who have guided over 5000+ companies to success in jointly launching their Cosell offers with Microsoft.
Through this accelerator you can achieve the following: Receive launch focused business coaching with supportive executive accountability, establish your predictable co-launch marketing system with Microsoft, and consistently generate leads and discovery calls for your transactable Cosell offers.
Transform your Microsoft Cosell GTM Partnership into a success story today!


The new rules for cosell partnership with Microsoft require several integrated GTM components that leverage the Microsoft marketplace to find new customers. We’ve distilled these components to include our expert guidance and accountability approach to help you set up a predictable colaunch marketing system that generates leads and discovery meetings consistently. 

Meylah’s Cosell 4P Framework is a proven approach to simplify the process to create a working colaunch model you can use and reuse as you create new campaigns and offerings.

Imagine your ideal clients finding you effortlessly. Envision your company highly sought after within the Microsoft ecosystem. Picture more like-minded executives referring business to you.

If you’re ready to focus on this emerging lead-generating engine, we have a special invitation for you.



Develop a strategic go-to-market plan.


Create and publish your transactable offer.


Design co-launch marketing campaigns to validate target markets, generate demand, and acquire customers.


Utilize all channels to amplify your Colaunch marketing campaigns.


The Colaunch Marketing Accelerator is our high-touch coaching and accountability program for Microsoft partners with transactable offers in their marketplaces. It is designed for those who want to generate leads, set up customer discovery meetings, access GTM investments, and gain visibility with Microsoft.

We use a cohort accountability model to build a direct relationship with you and your team and develop cross-learning engagement so that we reach business milestone commitments, create best of breed colaunch experiences, and deliver your proven colaunch system personalized to your business and offerings .

Our senior GTM executives take time to intimately understand your business so we can provide the customized support and personalized accountability you need to succeed.


What’s Included: Colaunch Marketing Accelerator

($25,000 in Value)

  • 1:1 Welcome Call 
  • 2 Personalized Success Calls
  • 12-month access digital network
  • Co-launch Webinar System plus (1) co-produced Webinar with Microsoft
  • Reviews: Landing Page, Webinar Narrative & Deck, Private Offer Details
  • Private Offer Setups and Execution Playbook
  • 1:1 Customer Discovery Booking System Setup
  • Launch GTM Bill of Materials List 
  • Co-launch Tech System Blueprint 
  • Top 10 Microsoft GTM Resources You Must Leverage 
  • Top GTM Technology and Services Vendors Recommendations 

Bonuses Included (With Full Payment)

  • Cosell Velocity Summit Recordings
  • Microsoft GTM Cheatsheet
  • Top 10 Microsoft GTM Resources You Must Leverage
  • Research and suggest Microsoft Cosell GTM investments to apply




  • Pay in Full (and Get Our Pay-In Full Bonuses)
  • Register early by Jun15th to receive intro offer. Contact us to learn more.



  • Get started with payment flexibility. Choose this option to spread your payments over 3 easy installments. Additional billing convenience fees apply




  • – Coproduce webinar campaign with Microsoft
  • – Setup Colaunch marketing system for marketplace offers: Webinar System, Customer Discovery System and Private Offer Processing System
  • – Generate Leads & Visibility.We will work with you till we achieve the promised outcomes.


Chaitra Vedullapalli

Chaitra Vedullapalli is a renowned serial entrepreneur and a Go-To-Market (GTM) expert, revered for her proficiency in coaching tech founders. She specializes in creating successful Cosell GTM partnerships with industry giants like Microsoft and Google. Her exceptional skills have guided hundreds of tech companies, including Fortune brands such as Teradata, F5, and JFROG, in launching and generating demand. Prior to embarking on her entrepreneurial journey, Chaitra made significant contributions as an executive at Oracle and Microsoft, where she played a pivotal role in leading billion-dollar GTM expansions. She is the mastermind behind the 4P Cosell GTM Method, a groundbreaking framework designed to develop strategic GTM plans with Microsoft and Google. This method capitalizes on her 20+ years of corporate experience and her success in launching multiple companies. Her expertise has landed her on prestigious platforms and stages such as Microsoft Inspire, Google Summit at SXSW, the United Nations, TEDx, University of Washington, and CRN. Beyond her professional endeavors, Chaitra is a dynamic leader who sits on multiple boards, runs a film fund in influence story narratives, and leads a 100K-strong Women in Cloud ecosystem across 27 countries.

Karen Fassio

Karen is founder and principal consultant at Abundant Marketing Collective.  She is a 24-year Microsoft veteran who led global channel strategies including channel programs, GTM, community, digital sales, and racial equity & social impact initiatives.  She is co-founder and senior strategy advisor for Women in Cloud, a women’s start-up community on a mission is to unlock $1B of economic impact through women-led technologies. She is on the executive board for Friends of Youth, a leading Seattle-area foster care advocacy and services organization.


Participants often find that dedicating this time allows for thorough preparation and post-launch evaluation, ensuring a smooth and successful marketing campaign. The staggered time commitment helps manage workload intensity and maintain project momentum throughout the critical pre-launch and post-launch phases.

During the two weeks leading up to the launch, participants delve into fine-tuning marketing strategies, perfecting campaign materials, and coordinating with team members for effective communication and execution. The additional commitment post-launch focuses on data analysis, performance assessment, and the implementation of any necessary adjustments to optimize campaign outcomes. By allocating time effectively, participants can drive results and maximize the impact of their marketing efforts.

Yes, we offer convenient payment options: pay in full, Microsoft-subsidized, and pay in installments. Additionally, we periodically provide subsidy opportunities for your benefit.

We provide a 12-month access period to all resources and the digital network. The collaborative campaign planning and execution timeline has been established for a duration of 3 months.

Co-launch marketing accelerator offers a group coaching and accountability model. Your team is responsible for developing all GTM materials using templates, which will be reviewed and feedback provided to accelerate launches with Microsoft.